Vid Petrovic

Ph.D. Student, Computer Science and Engineering, UCSD

Vid Petrovic received a BS in Computer Science and Engineering as well as a MS in Computer Graphics and Visualization from UC Irvine. His research focuses on developing a system that visualizes LIDAR data to create three-dimensional replicas of sites that CISA3 is currently working on. Petrovic collects data from a site, renders that data into a visual form on a computer, and then creates an image that can be observed from various angles, light levels, and distances from a separate location. The system that Petrovic is developing allows an objective record of the site to be preserved for future study. Continued research in this field is imperative in keeping with the CISA3 goal of building a future for our past.




Mar 1, 2013 - "The 2012 Petra Cyber-Archaeology Cultural Conservation Expedition: Temple of the Winged Lions and environs, Jordan," T. Levy, C. Tuttle, M. Vincent, M. Howland, A. Richter, V. Petrovic, D. Vanoni, Antiquity

Feb 12, 2013 - "The 2012 Petra Cyber-Archaeology Cultural Conservation Expedition: Temple of the Winged Lions and Environs, Jordan,"Thomas E. Levy, Christopher A. Tuttle, Matthew L. Vincent, Matthew Howland, Ashley M. Richter, Vid Petrovic and David Vanoni, Antiquity, Volume 087, Issue 335

May 1, 2012 - "On-Site Digital Archaeology 3.0 and Cyber-Archaeology: Into the Future of the Past- New Developments, Delivery and the Creation of a Data Avalanche,"Thomas Evan Levy, Vid Petrovic,Tom Wypych, Aaron Gidding, Knabb, K., Hernandez, D., Smith,N. G., Schlulz, J. P., Savage, S. H. , Kuester, F. , Ben-Yosef, E., Buitenhuys, C. , Barrett, C. J., Najjar, M., & DeFanti, T. , Introduction to Cyber-Archaeology, M. Forte, Editor

Jul 23, 2011 - "Dealing with Archaeology's Data Avalanche," Petrovic, V., A. Gidding, T. Wypych, F. Kuester, T. A. DeFanti, and T. E. Levy, IEEE Computer

Jul 1, 2011 - "Dealing with Archaeology's Data Avalanche: Computational Tools for the Analyses of LiDAR Datasets from a Cyber Enabled Field Site,"Vid Petrovic and Aaron Gidding, IEEE Computer