Mar 12, 2012

Click2Houston - "Da Vinci's lost masterpiece may be found"

The online Houston news service reprinted an article by CNN's Alan Duke about new evidence that a lost Leonardo da Vinci fresco may be hiding behind another artist's mural in Florence's town hall.

Mar 12, 2012

Associated Press - "Lost mural by Leonardo may have been discovered"

Annalisa Camilli reports from Florence that 'researchers may have discovered traces of a lost mural by Leonardo da Vinci by poking a probe through cracks in a 16th-century fresco painted on the wall of one of Florence's most famous buildings.'

Mar 12, 2012

International Business Times - "Da Vinci's Lost Painting, the 'Battle of Anghiari,' Possibly Discovered In Florence"

Writer Michael Billera reports that Maurizio Seracini believes it is possible to remove the Vasari fresco, then extract the da Vinci 'Battle of Anghiari', if it is in fact there, and then replace the Vasari without damaging it. However, Billera writes, it is up to Italian authorities to grant permission to Seracini and his team.

Mar 12, 2012

KPCC Radio - "Finding fresco: Hidden wall may hold clues to lost da Vinci masterpiece"

Lisa Brenner reports that 'UC San Diego researchers may be one stroke closer to getting their mitts on a missing Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece.'

Mar 12, 2012

San Diego Union-Tribune - "Did UCSD team find lost da Vinci?"

John Wilkens reports that a research team from UC San Diego has found tantalizing new evidence that a long-lost and much-admired Leonardo da Vinci mural may be behind the wall of another painting in Florence, Italy.

Mar 12, 2012

Corriere Fiorentino (Italy) - "Alla ricerca del Leonardo perduto: 'C'รจ lo stesso nero della Gioconda'"

The Florence newspaper's headline translates to, 'In search of the lost Leonard: It's the same black from the Mona Lisa.'

Mar 12, 2012

Al-Jazeera - "Lost Leonardo Da Vinci mural possibly found"

The English-language version of the Arabic news service reports that 'experts discover traces of long-lost fresco that could solve mystery that has captivated art historians for centuries.'

Mar 12, 2012

La Repubblica (Italy) - "Ricerche sulla battaglia di Anghiari Renzi: 'Abbiamo trovato Leonardo'"

On the research into 'The Battle of Anghiari', Florence Mayor Matteo Renzi is quoted as saying, 'We have found Leonardo.'

Mar 12, 2012 (Italy) - "Battaglia di Anghiari, ecco le prove dell'esistenza dell'affresco di Leonardo"

On the Battle of Anghiari, there is now evidence of the existence of Leonardo's fresco (hidden inside the wall where another mural, by Giorgio Vasari, exists).

Mar 12, 2012

Il Messaggero (Italy) - "Palazzo Vecchio, dietro l'opera di Vasari la mano di Leonardo Da Vinci"

In the Palazzo Vecchio, behind the work by Giorgio Vasari, the hand of Leonardo da Vinci is present. The newspaper also notes that in traces of the lost painting, The Battle of Anghiari, scholars say they have found the black pigment similar to that used in the Mona Lisa.

Mar 12, 2012

Newsday - "Lost mural by Leonardo may have been discovered"

The Long Island, NY-based newspaper reprints an Associated Press article by Annalisa Camilli about the first evidence believed to show a lost Leonardo da Vinci mural behind another Renaissance mural in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence.

Mar 12, 2012

Metro (UK) - "Leonardo Da Vinci 500-year-old fresco hidden behind wall of town hall"

In the London-based newspaper -- the largest free paper in the world -- Fred Attewill reports a 'Dan Brown-style hunt for a 500-year-old Leonardo Da Vinci fresco said to be hidden behind the wall of an Italian town hall has taken a fascinating turn as art historians claim to have evidence of paint used by the artist.'

Mar 12, 2012

CBS News - "Da Vinci mural traces found behind palace wall"

The article reports on new findings from the search for a lost da Vinci mural, and includes a link to a previous TV report on the search that appeared on CBS' 60 Minutes newsmagazine.

Mar 12, 2012

The Atlantic Wire - "Paging Dan Brown: The Hunt for a Lost Da Vinci Mural in Florence"

Eric Randall reports that 'researching think they may have found a lost mural by Leonardo da Vinci hiding behind another fresco on the wall of a famous Florentine building.

Mar 12, 2012

Fox News - "Researchers may have discovered lost Leonardo da Vinci mural"

The online edition of Fox News Channel reprints an Associated Press article from Florence, noting initial evidence that a Leonardo da Vinci mural may be located behind another fresco in Florence's city hall, the Palazzo Vecchio.

2007 Archive

November 29 Il Sole 24 Ore
Battaglia di Anghiari: la caccia al capolavoro di Maurizio Seracini

November 22  El País (Spain)
Seracini, el único personaje real de 'El Código da Vinci', busca un 'leonardo'

November 17 AGI Agenzia Italia (Italy)
Arte: WSJ, ‘Battaglia di Anghiari’ tra le 7 meraviglie perdute

November 16 Chicago Daily Herald (US)
Many of history's most famous shipwrecks, relics are still lost

November 9 Wall Street Journal (US)
[click on interactive map, then on 'The Battle of Anghiari']
7 Missing Wonders

October 31 TF1 Television (France) Video Only
La bataille d'Anghiari de Léonard de Vinci retrouvée?

October 25 Washington Times (US)
High-tech search for da Vinci fresco

October 24 Wired News (US)
Neutron Beams Search for Da Vinci's Lost Masterpiece

ctober 23 La Repubblica (Italy)
Entro un anno la verità sull'affresco di Leonardo

October 23 La Nazione (Italy)
Al via la caccia all'Anghiari di Leonardo

October 22 Il Messaggero (Italy)
Battaglia di Anghiari, caccia nucleare all'affresco

October 22 AGNKronos (Italy)
Giorni contati per il mistero della 'Battaglia di Anghiari'

October 22 AGI News (Italy)
Battaglia Anghiari: Rutelli, Un Anno per Svelare Enigma

October 22 Associated Press (US)
Engineers to Search for Leonardo Fresco

October 22 Forbes (US)
Engineers to Search for Leonardo Fresco

October 22 Corriere della Sera (Italy)
Palazzo Vecchio, caccia al Leonardo sparito

October 10 Il Sole 24 Ore (Italy)
Sponsor in coda per il segreto di Leonardo

October 9 L'Espresso (Italy)
Neutroni per svelare Leonardo

October 9 La Repubblica (Italy)
Tecnologia militare segreta per scoprire Leonardo

September 22 Il Giornale (Italy)
«Battaglia di Anghiari»: saranno 4 gli sponsor

July 30 KGTV Channel 8 CBS (US)
Superimposed Last Supper Reveals New Figures

July 2 People Magazine
The Da Vinci Detective

June 12 These Days -- KPBS Radio
Art Detective Reveals Lost Da Vinci Fresco

June 11 (Italy)
Premiato in California l´esperto della "Battaglia di Anghiari"

June 8 Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany)
Wer Leonardo sucht, der findet

May 19 La Nazione (Italy)
Battaglia di Anghiari’ Diciotto mesi per le risposte

May 11 La Nazione (Italy)
Così ritroverò la Battaglia

May 6 Il Sole (Italy)
Cercare la Battaglia

April 19 Currents (US)
Maurizio Seracini works to improve art conservation

March 23 La Nazione (Italy)
Palazzo Vecchio si prepara alla caccia tecnologica della «Battaglia di Anghiari»

March 22 (Italy)
Arte: riprenderà in estate la caccia alla Battaglia di Anghiari

March 22 Corriere della Sera (Italy)
Battaglia di Anghiari, la troveremo senza rompere il muro

March 14 L'Espresso (Italy)
Leonardo sotto scorta

March 12 UCSD Guardian (US)
'Renaissance Man' Fuses Culture, Science at New Center'

February 28 The San Diego Union-Tribune
He uses science in the pursuit of art

February 19 Herald Sun (Australia)
Expert Close to Cracking Da Vinci Code

February 9  New York Times
A Real-Life Mystery: The Hunt for the Lost Leonardo

February 12 Time Magazine
Cracking a Real-Life Da Vinci Code

February 1  The Independent (UK)
Da Vinci sleuth invited to find lost masterpiece

January 30  Reuters
Art sleuth looks for lost Da Vinci masterpiece

January 15 New York Times
Leonardo Quest to Resume

January 10  ANSA (Italy)
Battaglia di Anghiari: un giallo che affascina da 500 anni

2006 Archive

December 7  The Washington Times
Gift of the Magi

December 6  Reuters
Rare Da Vinci sketch displayed in Washington

November 2  The Florentine
An interview with Maurizio Seracini, the man behind the real Da Vinci mystery

October 3  La Nazione (Italy)
‘ Battaglia di Anghiari’, una ricerca che va conclusa

October 2 Time Magazine
A grand tour

October 1 Il Giornale dell’Arte (Italy)
Il tecnico: prima di decidere fare una vera «cartella clinica»

August 27 The Observer (UK)
Fresh start in lost Leonardo quest

August 28  Il Corriere della Sera (Italy)
Mantegna a Mantova, Leonardo a Tokio

May 29  United Press International
Hidden sketches in da Vinci piece revealed

May 27 The Times (UK)
Revealed: the Leonardo cover-up hidden by monks for 500 years

May 22 The Herald (Australia)
Da Vinci broken by the code

May 20 Channel 4 (UK)
The Da Vinci Detective

May 16  The Times (UK)
On the trail of the lost Leonardo

May 16  Anderson Cooper 360 CNN
Da Vinci Code character appears in flesh and blood

February 24 La Stampa (Italy)
L’Architetto Umanista Avrebbe Partecipato

February 6 This Week @ UCSD
Da Vinci Decoded

2005 Archive